Thursday 1 July 2010

Or maybe I was wrong...

Actually, I probably don’t have hay fever. See, I said it was a cold, then people started saying I might have developed hay fever, so I started taking some anti hayfever tablets, but they’ve had no effect, so maybe I have got a cold.

Which is a tad unfair, I’m eating tons of fruit these days. I easily pass my 5 a day, plus the exercise and general healthier living, doesn’t seem right to catch a cold. Also, I haven’t been in contact with anyone with a cold, and no-one else seems to have caught it from me. Clearly fruit is working for them...

I did another gym workout, which makes three so far this week. According to the Wii, I’ve lost 2 more pounds since Sunday. Still a way to go to match Kyle Rayner’s weight, but I think it’s achievable before the wedding. Well, before Christmas anyway...

I’ve recently begun watching through the 3rd series of Enterprise. I always tried with Enterprise, I’d start each series determined to give it a chance, but normally tailed off. Except with the 4th series, which really picked up. But the 3rd series was a series long storyline, and I’d dipped in and out before, so my buddy Will loaned me the series set. I’ve got 2 disks in and while the episodes are of variable quality, the larger story has caught me a bit more this time. What I have noticed is that Enterprise seemed to have a predilection for flashy effects sequences that weren’t particularly relevant. I just watched one where for no good reason a shuttlepod had fired a thruster while landed and Archer and Tucker watched it start to sail off leaving them stranded. So they shot the thrusters out and bought it down. Great looking sequence, completely pointless for the story.

The next one I have to watch features Archer waking up in the future.. well I guess he always does that, but I mean his own future, after the Xindi have destroyed Earth, but Archer can’t remember it. His short term memory is gone and he’s like that guy in Memento. Sounds a bit similar to Future Imperfect from the 4th season of The Next Generation really. That was a kick ass episode.

My lovely fiance pointed out to me that uh-oh, no Doctor Who on Saturday! This is very true and a cause for concern. Frankly, after that finale, Christmas seems a long way away! So, what to do?

Well, I might see if she’ll be amenable to some classic Who on DVD! Seems like a plan! I’m in the mood for some Troughton myself but who knows how the mood may take me?

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