Sunday 4 July 2010

The weekend cometh

Ah, is there anything more delightful than waking up on a Saturday? It's so full of promise, two whole days without work. And the sun is shining! You're young and it's summer and for the next 48 hours you don't have anything to worry about!

Then you remember, you're in your 30's. You need to sort the washing out. And get a haircut today. The rabbits need to be cleaned out. As does the fishtank. Also some shopping will need doing

Weekends aren't what they were when I were a kid!

My lovely Fiance and I spent the first part of the morning sorting a few details about the wedding out. We picked our songs and vows, ready for our meeting with the registrar. We'd ummed and ahhed about a second reading for months now, we finally decided we did want it. Both our readings are pretty awesome, being both beautiful while capturing essential elements of us. Had to call up a friend to see if she'd be amenable to reading the reading for us, she seemed happy to. At least I hope she is...

And I've got a few nerd surprises in the music choices too! Those should be good. I've been a bit torn on how openly nerdy some aspects should be. We are considering an 'Order of Service' type sheet for the guests, which would name some of the music tracks, but a part of me wants to see who can spot them. Another part doesn't want older uncool relatives rolling their eyes in tired tolerance of my silly ways, but as MLF pointed out, they're getting a free meal out of our day, so they can damn well like our silly ways!

After this we went into town for our haircuts. Me for a general cut, MLF for a trial run for her wedding style. I had my usual hairdresser, which is good, as if I have one I don't know, I clam up and can't carry a conversation. But I know Gemma, and like how she cuts my hair and pretends to like my stories, so I entertained her with the tale of the woman at the tailors. The one who measured me for my wedding suit and said, 'You're a 32 inch your dreams!'

Which I thought is quite funny, but also cruel and unbecoming of someone in a customer facing role. And you know what? At the beginning of this year, I was a 38 inch waist. When she said that I was a 36. I'm now in a pair of 34 inch waist jeans. So actually, by the wedding I might be 32! Yeah, eat that tailor bitch!! Though I'm happy at 34, but it depends where I am at Kyle Rayner weight I guess.

Once I was done entertaining my hairdresser (who seemed to really enjoy my stories today, I imagine she has a crush on me!) and was satisfied with my cut, I thought it's a beautiful day, I shall walk home. Which I did, my walk home was aided by the Ben Folds albums on my iPod. And I had a couple of those horrible moments where I'm at a pedestrian crossing alongside a family with a young child. I hate this because I'm always aware that the parents are trying to teach their child safe and responsible road crossing, but I always see a point where I can cross long before that green man appears. But if I do, am I condemning those parents to an afternoon of the child asking why they couldn't cross when that other man could. It's an odd paranoia that at certain points I would be an unwilling influence on a child and, without malice, accidentally interfere with the important lessons that parents are trying to impart. But it's an irrational thought that occurs to me every time!

I tried to have a start at writing my speech after that. I got a few key lines down, but it's a struggle. As I'd said, I'm writing a blogpost daily to try to keep my writing juices going, (try not to dwell to long on the phrase 'writing juices', or just pretend it's ink) to aid my speechwriting, but there's a lotta difference between being able to look back at my day and pick out the bits that mean I'm a nerd and summing up everything I think and feel about marrying MLF. Oh and also thanking the various people etc.

It's as well I'm starting 2 months before the day!

Later in the afternoon we visited our friend Stevie for a while. MLF had found a newspaper item about an old school friend of theirs being found with a rape kit and having an attempt at attacking a girl. We also just like to see him every so often, before you think that we only visit him on such occasions, or that such occasions are frequent! Stevie has nerf guns, so we had fun times shooting each other and diving around his living room. I've rarely seen such a look of pure joy in MLF's eyes as when she's lining up a shot at me. I don't know if I should be concerned about that...

Also, Stevie has some excellent toys, I was admiring his Doctor Who figures. He has the 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th Doctor's! And an awesome set of Daleks and Davros.

Feeling somewhat Doctor Who'd up, we headed home to have a pizza and watch some older Doctor Who to fill that Saturday evening gap. MLF chose the opener for Series 4, Partners In Crime. There's something extra fun about a season opener, especially when the Doctor gets a new companion. And as we'd already met Donna, this one was less encumbered with introductions and makes for a very entertaining episode. What did surprise me was how odd it was to see the older TARDIS console room, which is odd as I got used to that for more than four years, but just one series with the new look and it's already become the default TARDIS room in my mind. How easily my affections are switched between TARDIS consoles!

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