Tuesday 29 June 2010

New week, same monday...

As they must, the weekend, well, ends and a new Monday dawns. A brand new week, filled with possibilities, almost a new start with life here, all refreshed from the weekend and ready to start again in this wonderous experience that is life.

Of course, most of us manifest this feeling as, ‘oh crap, Monday already? Gluuurrrggghh!’ Which when you think of the immense impossibility of our lives even getting to this point is a bit of an anti-climax. After all, it’s a long string of unlikely coincidences that have led to this planet being formed in just the right position from the sun, the atmosphere developing, life emerging, life evolving to this point and still not getting wiped out by a passing meteor, then the specific circumstances that have led to the right people getting together and producing offspring, then those offspring getting together and so on and on until here we all are.

Of course, those are lofty and mind boggling thoughts for a Monday morning, I had to make some lunch, have some breakfast, pack my gym bag and get to work!

Not that I was being much fun there, though she’s only got a minor infection, I was still concerned about my Grandmother and waiting to hear news from my mum after she heard from the Doctor about the current status. Which when I did hear, is positive. So a day’s worth of being worried and irritable for no reason there!

When I wasn’t being irritable I was discussing Saturday’s Doctor Who finale, with pretty much anyone who would listen. In some cases I followed people around talking about it even though they didn’t want to listen. I knew deep down they cared. The general consensus is everybody loved it and no, I should not get a fez.

I did have a stint wearing a fez in my early twenties. It got pretty much the same reaction as the Doctor’s.

I hit the gym for the afternoon. I’m quite proud of my progress this year in increasing my fitness level. When I started I struggled to jog for more than a few minutes at a time, I can now manage half an hour constant jogging, at increased speed from my beginnings. My only problem is I now get bored! After all half an hour with just the gym wall in front of the treadmill to look at is a bit dull. I used to listen to Doctor Who Big Finish audios, but I started having increasing problems with earphones. I may have to look at some better listening devices. The hideous truth is the normal in-ear type, gradually slide out as I become slimy with sweat.

There’s an image to give you cosy dreams!

I should get back into the Doctor Who audios though, the Eighth Doctor ones were very enjoyable, you kinda wish we’d been able to have a full TV series with Paul McGann. I wonder what it would have been like?

Pretty good I imagine, depends who was writing. But as time progresses I guess even the prospect of a flashback to the Time War with him is getting fainter and fainter. Though I have imagined an awesome episode in my head just this morning now, as I was thinking about this. It follows from The Doctor’s taking The Moment from Gallifrey, and being chased by Time Lords, up to encountering the Dalek fleet when he has to use the Moment and sets of the destruction of Gallifrey and Skaro. But the Daleks have prepared a defense. In the midst of a battle as Dalek saucers overrun a Time Lord fleet whos history is burning up, The Doctor would take his TARDIS into the heart of the Dalek city and have to destroy the device that was protecting Skaro from the Moment. Which he does, then prepares to burn with his people and his enemies, but whatever protection the Dalek defense provided, some of it has permeated the TARDIS and the Doctor, just enough for them to survive outside the time lock though he ends up regenerating.

It’s a spectacular sequence, as there’s no limit on the effects budget of the human imagination. Also, I’ve had some particularly mindless tasks this morning, so y’know, able to think about important things! This afternoon I shall be thinking up a version with the Black and White Guardians...

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