Monday 28 June 2010

Fez's are cool!

Sunday morning, I abandoned my Trek Night co-watchers quite early in the morning to make my way back to Lincoln and get home to watch the previous nights Doctor Who, the series finale, The Big Bang! I was naturally massively excited with about 18 nerd-boners for this episode. This whole series has been absolutely magnificent and I had high hopes for the conclusion. I tryto always watch Doctor Who now with my lovely fiance, so once we were both in the house, we settled down and I went to Virgin's on demand catch up.

It wasn't there. Dammit! This thing is useless! It never has the programs I actually want to watch there!

So I iplayer'd it through the wii.

Wow! Thought I'd sussed the episode quite early when we saw little Amelia recieve clues and go to see the Pandorica. But when she opens it up and Amy's in it, then I was confused again! And the episode proved a regluar mix of confused, understand, confused, understand. I think I've got my head around it now, but I will have to watch it a bunch more times to be sure!

I'm not going to do a full analysis, you will have watched it for yourself and I want to see it again before I can be sure I understand it. But yeah, fez's are cool! Also, I am looking forward to the mystery of who did take control of the TARDIS? Looks like we've got that still to come, which is nice, after all why would everything all get sorted out neatly together in one go? And Rory and Amy are now a husband and wife team onboard the TARDIS?! Excellent. I always liked having a group accompny the Doctor rather than just one lone girl.

Of course, now I've said that the Christmas Special will blow Rory up or something...

Man, it's going to be a long time till Christmas.

After all the fun, it seemed natural whatever followed would be a letdown. So I watched the football. What a letdown! Glad I didn't bet any quatloobs on that game! (That was a little Gamesters of Triskelion joke... ah why explain, if you didn't get it you won't care!)

It's a shame the World Cup's over for England. While I'm not a massive football fan (I'm only a fan of small to medium footballs) I was enjoying watching the games with my lovely fiance and the twitterverse. It's a lot of fun, seeing the tweets coming in, it's like watching the game with your friends and with some celebrities! I guess I'll have to wait for the next on, but who knows when that'll be??? Oh, yeah, 4 years...

Of course, possibly that match could be erased from time, and eventually a new big bang would need to restart everything and we'd all remember winning??? Maybe? Or do FIFA not believe in the use of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff in the game?

So a pretty awesome weekend comes to an end. I'm hoping to have another in about 5 days of course. Which reminds me, that's my photo session, so serious dieting and excercise again this week. I did weigh myself before Doctor Who, and lost half a stone this last week. Wouldn't mind doing that again! Actually I wouldn't mind doing that while only eating large amounts of pizza, wotsits and chocolate, but due to a flaw in the universe's imprint in the pandorica, those things are now bad for me in this new universe!

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