Wednesday 3 March 2010

Grrr, Rick Smash!!!

I'm on the verge of transforming into the Hulk. Not actually, as I've never been exposed to the necessary radiation, but I have been enraged this week. Can you guess why? The BBC. Sorry, I didn't really give you time to guess then did I? Though I'm so enraged that I'm in no mood for guessing games! Possibly in the mood for Doctor Who Operation, but not guessing games!

You can do a quick search on the interweb and discover any number of blogs about the BBC right now. From rants to cheers to well thought opinions, and a large amount of them will be more insightful and better written than anything I'd come up with. But that doesn't dissuade me from putting opinion to keyboard!

Why?? Why BBC have you given in to the pressures of your media rivals and their political mouthpieces? Your cuts here will just open the floodgates. You scale back some activities now and soon the pressure will be on to scale more back! The constant streams of hatred aimed at BBC3 will get worse and worse until you take it off air. And in a few years you'll be down to a couple of channels which will only be allowed to show a looped tape of Rupert Murdoch dancing in a pile of money!

Whew, rant over. I give in to exaggeration a bit there, but in all seriousness I do worry that the BBC's actions here will set a dangerous precedent for the future. I also fail to see the logic in these moves.

6 music and Asian network are being shut down. This is to help commercial rivals.

Which commercial rivals offer anything like these 2 radio stations? If you want to close a radio station down that will free up viewers for commercial stations, try radio 1, which plays the same playlists as the main commercial stations.

And about this helping commercial rivals. Why? Not to be unsympathetic but lots of businesses are in serious trouble in these times but I don't see public services being cut back to help them. Should local councils scale back rubbish collections to allow commercial refuse disposal companies to start up and do some business?

Maybe some of those commercial rivals could try putting out some quality productions? Instead of reality tv shows... constant reality tv.

Oh, and what did I see on the news pages this morning? ITV posted profits again? Wow, the BBC haven't even implemented their measures yet and their biggest rival's making a profit again! Plus Sky's seen a rise in subscriptions lately. Hmm.

And what is wrong with BBC 3?? I realise there's a lot of shows on there that have not been popular. In some cases they were dire. But then there's been some absolute brilliance. Gavin & Stacey. Torchwood. Being Human. Horne & Corden. Ha! Not really, I was shitting you with that last one. But the others are good, and they wouldn't have seen the light of day if not for a channel that was prepared to act as a trial area for new ideas and shows. That's the wonderful thing about new ideas, you can't always tell if they're good or bad till they've been tried.

See, I didn't want to get to negative rants on my blog, now I've had two in a row! It's a shame as I generally find myself to be a reasonably happy fellow and I'm particularly happy after the last sunday. But the BBC thing has annoyed me and I find it's helpful to get things off my chest into a blog on occasion. I promise to do a happier one next time, maybe I'll talk about action figures.

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