Thursday 1 April 2010

New Doctor excitement

I am a very excited nerd this week! One of many I imagine, with the new series of Doctor Who starting in just 2 more days! Brilliant! After last years Who drought, the prospect of a full new series is certainly an exciting one and with a shiny new Doctor too.

There’s been quite a few news stories popping up lately regarding the series, as to be expected, most media outlets know they’ll attract some interest running a headline with The Doctor in it. As is my wont, I try to veer away from anything that might spoil a storyline, although often such things turn out to be pretty far removed from the truth.

But there’s been a lot of interest in Matt Smith, who seems to be very enthusiastic about his role. I was interested to see in some interviews he’d mentioned that as preparation for the role he’d written his own stories about The Doctor and Einstein being responsible for the pyramids? Sounds pretty awesome to me. I must confess that I didn’t see his Jonathan Ross interview, though by all accounts he came off very well and some people have said to me they feel a lot better about him being The Doctor now than before.

Personally I enjoyed him straight away from The End of Time Part 2. A small example of his work it may have been, but I was on side almost immediately. Of course I might have just been pleased to see a Doctor with some enthusiasm and energy after the Tenths rather whiny and mopey exit. And anyone would seem pretty exciting charging around an exploding TARDIS! But I’m pretty confident in him and the various teaser trailers have done nothing to dampen my disappointment.

Now, back to the issue of the various news stories. I was amused to find
this one yesterday. Quite amusing I thought, conjures up a nice image of Matt Smith attempting to explain a sonic screwdriver at customs. It also serves as a warning to those like me who probably would take their toys around with them! That's why my lovely fiancee doesn't let me leave the house with my sonic, or wearing my Green Lantern Ring.

I read some of the comments reacting to the story. Oh dear. What is it about the internet that brings out these people? The angry man yelling that Matt Smith has ruined Doctor Who for his son is my personal favourite, at least make your fickle child watch a full episode first! I do wonder why comments would even be sought on what is basically a fluff piece, an amusing afterthought in the news. Just a mildly funny anecdote isn’t it? Even that kicks of a storm of crazy people.

Though I can’t find the exact same story now, the version I read yesterday said ‘yesterday it emerged that Smith has broken at least 4 of the props on set’.

It emerged? That just tickled me as it makes it sound like a terrible secret that had been covered up! Thanks to undercover reporting the new Doctor Who actor has been exposed as a bit clumsy!! I love it when the language seems more dramatic than it is.

Also it’s been mentioned by Stephen Moffatt for months that Matt Smith is the clumsiest man alive so it ‘emerging’ that he’s broken some props is not that recent a story anyway. At least not if you read the Doctor Who magazine. And if you don’t then you’re probably a nazi.

I’m also quite pleased I’ve got to midday without being fooled by anything! Not that anything’s been tried. I have remained un-fooled by absolutely no jokes! I’m sure April Fools used to be harder work. Of course Twitter will barely be starting thanks to the time difference in the USA, so I probably shouldn’t read anything on there all day.

And don’t tell my fiancĂ©e, but I’m wearing my Green Lantern ring today! Outside of the house and everything!

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