Friday 9 April 2010

I'm the Doctor, I'm worse than everybodys aunt

Wasn't it good? Huh? Brilliant even? Yeah it was!

Ok, my reaction to the new Doctor Who series may have been influenced by the fact that we had a pretty small amount of Who last yea. But then were we all overreacting in 2005, as we'd had 9 Who free years then? Were we? Or is it just flipping brilliant?

I think it's the second one.

And I definitely thought that for The 11th Hour.

I got a little chill when the opening music came in! Thats how excited I was! And I spent the next hour alternating between giddy excitment, laughing and being creeped out. I am determined to avoid the trap I normally fall into of just narrating the entire episode back, so I shall concentrate on my personal highlights.

Fish custard. It's perfect Doctor Who, to feature something so marvellously mundane and in such a British way. Fish fingers. And custard.

The crack in the wall. Ah Steven Moffatt, where would we be without your marvellous ability to take those little things that creep most children out for no logical reason and then make them terrifying? Statues, shadows, gas masks and now the simplest of shallow cracks across a wall. Plastering defect or escape route for criminal multiforms from a space prison??

5 minutes later is 12 years. For all his genius, he can't steer that TARDIS. Though extreme damage may be a relevant excuse here.

Kissagram. Because in all the photo's I'd seen before the episode aired, I'd always suspected that skirt was too short for regulation police uniform.

The old lady completely unfazed by the Doctor bursting in while a giant eyeball takes over the TV

'and all I've got is a post office. And it's shut!'

'Get a girlfriend Jeff'

Most of the conference call on the computer is brilliant Doctor moments.

The creepy way Prisoner Zero uses the wrong mouth.

Of course, it's marvellous when you realise the virus has made zero's appear everywhere and you see what he's done.

And you can't not love the run through of the previous 10's and then 11 steps forward all dressed up. His sense of dramatic timing get's better each re-generation.

And finally, the TARDIS. I loved the previous design, but this one... stunning. Just awesome.

Now, in the spirit of fairness, I should mention the things that didn't work so well. Though it won't take long.

Yes, Matt Smith is young. 99% of the time this hasn't stopped him playing an awesome Doctor. There were one or two very brief moments when he did sound young though. But I don't think it made too much impact and should not be too much of an issue, once I get more used to him I'll probably no notice it again.

On the rooftop, as the Atraxi leave, the long shot shows the Doctor reach into his jacket pocket. Then in the close up he's not doing it, then he reacts and reaches in the pocket again. A minor slip in the editing, but it sticks out so much and really bugs me! And by the third time of viewing it took me out of the moment slightly. An overreaction on my part maybe, but it's rare to see that sort of an error these days.

The new sonic. Now I don't want to be the sort of person who complains about things changing. In fact I embrace change. Actually, change has a restraining order out against me. Sometimes I sneak into changes house at night, and cuddle up next to it in bed. But I'm not that immediately keen on the new sonic. It's the size and shape really. Though we haven't seen it properly on screen, the toy has flip out claws and that seems a little odd. But I won't say I dislike it, I do like the general look. I need to see some more episodes to make a proper judgement.

Which is in fact true of the whole series I guess. Yes, I'm excitedly in love with it now, but after next saturday? And the next? They might be terrible. Or worse. The next episodes may be so bad that it kills the series completely and that'll be that and because of those terrible episodes we'l all be glad of this!!

But that's very unlikely!

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