Sunday 14 February 2010

I want to be a superfast blue hedgehog. No, I'n not on drugs, I'm from the 90's...

Last week I had a serious nerdgasm over the news that Sonic 4 was coming out this summer! Sonic 4!?!? True, I'd not really played any Sonic game since 3+Knuckles, but I knew they'd existed. I did a little research and discovered that generally, all the games since then were considered to be rubbish and that the addition of other characters beyond Tails and Knuckles was universally blamed. (In some cases also Tails and Knuckles, but hey if you want to stay on the one game forever that's fine, but I loved 2, 3 and 3+Knuckles.) This short but awesome trailer certainly awoke my 90's nostalgia.

Now anyone who knows me well would say that I'm not that big a gamer. (It's probably not the first thing they'd say, comments about stupid jokes, inappropriate comments and questionable personal hygiene would come first) I have a PS3, but it's more of a Blu Ray player in my hands. Some guitar hero, the occaisional demo of somthing and a little lego star wars. Oh and that Batman Arkham Asylum game, that kicked ass. But I'm not that big into the gaming. However, back in the 90's me and my brother had a megadrive and we frakking loved Sonic the Hedgehog. 1 through 3+ Knuckles, those games got the most time on our system. And when I had a Gamecube, I got the Sonic Mega Collection to relive those wonderous days. And that game, that port of 10 year old games from another console was my most played disc on the gamecube, eschewing all the new latest advancement in games.

And now I'm doing it again! Cos after I heard about the impending Sonic 4, I had to dig out the GC disc and controller and popped it into the Wii. Had a mammoth session playing through and lotsa fund having a Sonic 3+Knuckles runthrough as Tails. I always preferred to play Tails. I also followed Robin in the Batman mythos. It's probably a deep seated psychological thing that I identify with the sidekick. I imagine it's a self image/confidence thing. Shit! Shit, I think I'm the sidekick! Great! Frakking great! I've doomed myself to be Watson! Robin! Tails! Speedy! Bucky! Kid Devil! Wait, definitely not that last one...

Moving on from my traumas, I notice that Sonic 4 is Episode 1. Awesome! So we can download it in chunks and play through them ending up with the full game later? Works for me, I tend to be busy so time to actually play this will be limited. I did laugh at the comments on various blogs expressing rage at this episodic format. Apparently this is an epic fail and Sega are practically peodophile war criminals for doing this. Man, I thought I had a crazy excitment for a new Sonic game! Well, hopefully things won't be quite as bad as they seem, I am remaining excited.

Of course, back in the 90's young lad as I was, there was also a comic book of Sonic's adventures to read. When I say 'young as I was', I still read comics now. After all, Geoff Johns is writing them, it would be stupid not to read them. But back to the Sonic Comics, (actually called Sonic the Comic! Brilliant!) these were reasonably entertaining comics, written largely for kids, but with a sufficiently complex storyline (time travel, planetary takeover and resistance movements) to keep me mildly interestd. While surfing the net on my renewed Sonic Buzz, I discovered the comic had gone on for a while after I'd stopped reading but ultimately folded. However there was an online continuation! Yep, right here, and it's not too bad. I've only read the one story, but it was kinda fun. I think it'll amuse me here and there on work lunches at least, largely on the nostalgia side of it. Makes me wish there could be more classic comics continued on like this if suitable talent could be found. I'm thinking Eagle mainly.

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