Anyway, on with the list!
5) Making a Star Wars fan film. Sadly, never finished, but definitely involved in the making. Started many years ago, we had costumes and lightsabers and special effects courtesy of our director. See here for the website!
4)Been given a Sonic Screwdriver as a present and then used it in day to day tasks. When I started my current job, my girlfriend presented me with a toy Sonic Screwdriver as a good luck gift. I have since used it remarkably often for light and often as a pen, thanks to the ink nib end. It’s gotta be quite nerdy to be at horse racing and start filling in your betting slips with a sonic screwdriver quite casually.

2)Appearing on TV for being involved in making a Star Wars fan film. Yep, an actual TV show, on Channel 5! They came out, interviewed the 3 if us involved. So I appeared on national TV, dressed as a Jedi, wielding a lightsaber. An interesting subplot to that tale, I’d just started dating a young lady about the airdate of that programme. In fact our first date was to be 2 days after it’s transmission. Except that they’d given us the wrong date. After I’d got everyone I knew and this lovely lady I wanted to date to watch. So that was not massively impressive. Fortunately it was shown the following week and the lady in question was clearly so impressed she’s marrying me next year. So if you’re ever unsure how to woo a girl, try getting on Channel 5 for making a sci-fi fan film! I’ve had 100% success rate with it!
1) Proposed on the entrance to the Torchwood Three Hub. Yep, in Cardiff, by the tower at the entrance to the Millennium Centre. Where the lift is. Where the TARDIS landed in Boom Town and Utopia. That was the spot where I asked my girlfriend to marry me. And she said yes! Which is quite unlikely, as when you read this list you’ll see it’s a frakkin miracle I’ve ever even kissed a girl!!
So, that's what I've done with my first 30 years. What can I do for the next 30? Well, I recieved an early birthday present from work this morning, a PC keyboard, with Klingon characters on the keys!! That's a good start...
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