There’s a conspiracy against me. Maybe just me, maybe several people, but for timing, it seems to be me. That conspiracy is that ‘they’, ‘they’ being the shadowy organisation working against me, don’t want me to watch Doctor Who in HD. Now, I don’t know anything about this sinister group, I don’t know who they are or why the idea of top quality picture for Time Lord adventuring offends them, but I’m convinced of it.
Now before I put forward my evidence, let me point out that there are certain conditions of watching HD TV that I am not prepared to meet. I have already purchased a HD TV set, I have purchased a PS3 for playing blu-rays and I have purchased the required HDMI cables and optical SPDIF cables to play through a surround system. This is a hefty initial layout. Therefore, I refuse to pay an ongoing subscription to access HD channels which will be broadcast for free. If I wanted to watch 24/Lost or other Sky 1 show in HD, I accept I would have to pay an additional monthly premium to do so. But not for the BBC! No sir! Not because I question the contents value, far from it, in fact I’d willingly pay more for the BBC than for Sky (but that’s a seperate rant) but because, by it’s nature, I have paid for the BBC’s HD content in the license. And it transmits in a non-subscription nature on Freeview HD already. So I’m not further lining Sky or Virgins pockets for it. Maybe this stubborn attitude is the worst culprit for working against me? But let’s irrationally assume it isn’t...
So my current options. Well, mainly none. Freeview HD is not available in my area for sometime. This isn’t my favoured option as a new receiver is currently looking to set me back over £100. And I have a lot of equipment and a lot of remotes, frankly I’m running out of space, batteries and sockets. (I do accept that some new equipment is going to be necessary, as long as it’s not an ongoing cost.) So, setback one, lack of coverage for the very area I just happen to live in?! Hey, didn’t Sony bring out an add-on for the PS3 that receives Freeview and utilises the console as a HDD recorder? They did! And in many countries, isn’t that capable of receiving their free to air HD channels? It is! So if I get that device, I’ll be set at least for when Freeview HD comes to my town? No. Because this country is using a different standard for encoding, which that device won’t support. Arguments about the superior quality of that standard etc. are irrelevant, when setback one is gone, setback two kicks in and ensures I need higher priced and bulkier equipment and I can’t utilise an existing device. And with the way it’s all wired up, that’s a shame, cos I’m going to have to pull down the whole house of cards and begin again to put anything new in.
So, is there another way? Hey, wait a second, HD programmes are available on the iPlayer right? And the iPlayer has a icon on my PS3 right? Surely a machine built for HD would run this perfectly right? Well, it appears we cannot know, as it doesn’t allow the HD content. And even if it did, my broadband connection would not support HD content streaming to any watchable standard. What about the option to download a programme to watch within 30 days? Also a feature not available on the PS3 version. Setback 4 has made it’s move.
Hang on a second! My fiancées laptop has a blu-ray drive and an HDMI socket! Under windows that will allow me to download the HD version of Victory of the Daleks, plug it into my TV and presto!
Enter Setback 5. I imagine that the video hardware in the laptop is sufficient to play a Blu-ray, but not quite enough to output iPlayer to a TV. The result is the slightest of judders to the picture. Oh, it’s slight, it’s so close to not being there, but it is there and it’s impossible to ignore. And the less you ignore it, the more distracting it is.
If only the iPlayer desktop utility would work in Linux. Maybe then my desktop PC would be able to use it. Well hang on, maybe it does. So I checked and yep, runs fine in Linux. My desktop has a decent video card with HDMI out too, so maybe this would be something I could utilise? I’m going to call this setback 5.5 as I never seriously thought I could utilise it. I can’t lug my PC down and up stairs every week to connect it to the TV. That’s madness.
But hang on a second! If iPlayer desktop works in Linux, can I not install a version of Linux onto the PS3? That already lives downstairs and is connected to the TV! And while I had to eliminate it from downloaded HD programmes through the normal PS3 iPlayer, running the desktop through Linux on it should be fine right?
Setback 6 then burst into the room and slapped me hard across the face! I went onto the web to look up the best Linux distros to use on a PS3. And that’s when I discovered that the latest firmware update on the PS3 removed the facility to install other operating systems! Noooooo! So close! I was literally one Ubuntu install away from enjoying HD Doctor Who and it was snatched away. This PS3 update is the latest update. This very month. Seems something of a coincidence that it should come out the very month the new Doctor Who series begins.
6 setbacks to me watching one programme? Really? It seems more like a conspiracy than a coincidence. You may scoff and say I’m paranoid, crazy even, but clearly someone’s out to stop me watching Hi-Def Doctor Who. Or at least force me to await the series box set. But who would be behind this? Sky? Virgin? They may wish to force me into paying for their HD service. It’s not the Daleks, they made themselves all pretty and colourful for a HD series, they’re clearly into it. Maybe President Logan from 24, he’s into conspiracies and he might want me to get Sky’s HD to see him in 1080p? Maybe it’s Amazon, wanting to make sure I buy a new Freeview box from them, and the Doctor Who blu-rays?
Ultimately I think it’s the same group who make those people who leave their trolleys across an aisle to block it, go to the supermarket at the exact time that I go!
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Toy Story
Anyone whose seen my twitter feed this week may have been expecting a blog reminiscing about my gaming days playing Heroquest, Warhammer 40k and Blood Bowl. And you know what? I'm proabably going to write one fairly soon. But this isn't it! Nope, for while a huge wave of nostalgia basically mugged me this week, mugged me, dragged me to it's house and tied me in it's basement, I had already made prior plans for this weekend. And those plans had involved a little bit of toy hunting.
Batman and Robin are lead figures I found at a stall that had a huge bunch of them. I had some serious thinking time deciding which ones to get. Eventually I decided on these two over trying to start the Titans. They're completely awesome statues, the detailing is fantastic and it's an awesome paint job. I was quite pleased with these two and I'm hoping the same guy will be selling the next time I go there.

Obviously I still have a little way to go! My bigger set so far is the Doctor Who toys. This started a few years back when my lovely fiancee bought me a radio controled Dalek. Soon after I was given a smaller radio controlled K9 which came with a 10th Doctor figure. And it's slowly increased a little from there, with my patient, long suffering fiancee contributing when christmas and birthday's roll around. Bless her. I hope she doesn't come to her senses before the wedding.
You may be thinking, 'a 30 year old hunting for toys? What?! This is madness!?' and if you are, then I can only assume you're severely lost and really have no business reading the blog of a nerd. If you're still here, meh, it's your time you're wasting reading my rambling nonsense...
So yes, I went toy hunting. I like my action figures. My collection is modest and basically consists of whim purchases and presents. I'm not aiming for complete sets really, just picking up odd ones that I like the look of.
My jaunt today was to a car boot sale. It's a regular and large event and on previous visits I've found a few gems.
This is today's haul
Shortly after that we found a stall with a bunch of random action figures dumped on some tarpaulin in front of the table. I glanced over it and there was nothing of any interest, I almost turned and carried on and suddenly I spotted a Kyle Rayner Green Lantern. Whaat? This looks to be Kyle's first costume as GL. You know how people tend to say that one particular actor who plays Doctor Who is 'their Doctor'. Often the first one they remember seeing, the one who means the most to them? Well, Kyle is my Green Lantern. Not my first as I read some Hal Jordan before he went Parallax, but Kyles the one I read most while growing up (yes, I said growing up while talking about reading comics) and the one I related to. Since Hal's return, while Kyle is still around and gets a decent role, the focus is back on Hal. I haven't seen a Kyle action figure before, so spotting this one was pretty exciting. The shame is, it's not actually a great figure. The details are off, there's no symbol on the costume, the ring is painted flesh colour and the positions are terrible. I'm not sure why it's set up so he can only be posed in ridiculous, splayed legs poses, it's a little embarassing for him I imagine. But it's a Kyle figure, and it cost 50p, so I'm happy with it.
The last couple of times I went, there was a stall with a huge amount of random out of packaging figures of many varieties, including plenty of Star Trek and Star Wars. Sadly this guy didn't seem to be about, which was a shame, as I was hoping to increase my Next Gen set. My original series new movie (has anyone come up with a better way to reference this version of trek yet?) which began with a birthday present last year is now a complete primary crew and I hope to do the same for the Next Generation crew.
Obviously I still have a little way to go! My bigger set so far is the Doctor Who toys. This started a few years back when my lovely fiancee bought me a radio controled Dalek. Soon after I was given a smaller radio controlled K9 which came with a 10th Doctor figure. And it's slowly increased a little from there, with my patient, long suffering fiancee contributing when christmas and birthday's roll around. Bless her. I hope she doesn't come to her senses before the wedding.
There's a Tardis, a tiny Dalek keyring, the 10th Doctor, Jack Harkness, a weeping Angel, the Master, Professor Yana, a Time Lord, K9, a Sontaran trooper, the sun infected guy from 42, the Moxx of Balhoon!, a Cyberman and a natural Ood. Oh and a Sonic Screwdriver.
So I end my short trundle through my toys with my favourite figure. My Hal Jordan Green
Lantern! It's a brilliant figure, it has about a bazillion points of articulation, it's huge for an action figure and wonderfully detailed!
And yes, that is a Green Lantern Ring at the base, alongside a Blue Lantern ring.
Friday, 9 April 2010
I'm the Doctor, I'm worse than everybodys aunt
Wasn't it good? Huh? Brilliant even? Yeah it was!
Ok, my reaction to the new Doctor Who series may have been influenced by the fact that we had a pretty small amount of Who last yea. But then were we all overreacting in 2005, as we'd had 9 Who free years then? Were we? Or is it just flipping brilliant?
I think it's the second one.
And I definitely thought that for The 11th Hour.
I got a little chill when the opening music came in! Thats how excited I was! And I spent the next hour alternating between giddy excitment, laughing and being creeped out. I am determined to avoid the trap I normally fall into of just narrating the entire episode back, so I shall concentrate on my personal highlights.
Fish custard. It's perfect Doctor Who, to feature something so marvellously mundane and in such a British way. Fish fingers. And custard.
The crack in the wall. Ah Steven Moffatt, where would we be without your marvellous ability to take those little things that creep most children out for no logical reason and then make them terrifying? Statues, shadows, gas masks and now the simplest of shallow cracks across a wall. Plastering defect or escape route for criminal multiforms from a space prison??
5 minutes later is 12 years. For all his genius, he can't steer that TARDIS. Though extreme damage may be a relevant excuse here.
Kissagram. Because in all the photo's I'd seen before the episode aired, I'd always suspected that skirt was too short for regulation police uniform.
The old lady completely unfazed by the Doctor bursting in while a giant eyeball takes over the TV
'and all I've got is a post office. And it's shut!'
'Get a girlfriend Jeff'
Most of the conference call on the computer is brilliant Doctor moments.
The creepy way Prisoner Zero uses the wrong mouth.
Of course, it's marvellous when you realise the virus has made zero's appear everywhere and you see what he's done.
And you can't not love the run through of the previous 10's and then 11 steps forward all dressed up. His sense of dramatic timing get's better each re-generation.
And finally, the TARDIS. I loved the previous design, but this one... stunning. Just awesome.
Now, in the spirit of fairness, I should mention the things that didn't work so well. Though it won't take long.
Yes, Matt Smith is young. 99% of the time this hasn't stopped him playing an awesome Doctor. There were one or two very brief moments when he did sound young though. But I don't think it made too much impact and should not be too much of an issue, once I get more used to him I'll probably no notice it again.
On the rooftop, as the Atraxi leave, the long shot shows the Doctor reach into his jacket pocket. Then in the close up he's not doing it, then he reacts and reaches in the pocket again. A minor slip in the editing, but it sticks out so much and really bugs me! And by the third time of viewing it took me out of the moment slightly. An overreaction on my part maybe, but it's rare to see that sort of an error these days.
The new sonic. Now I don't want to be the sort of person who complains about things changing. In fact I embrace change. Actually, change has a restraining order out against me. Sometimes I sneak into changes house at night, and cuddle up next to it in bed. But I'm not that immediately keen on the new sonic. It's the size and shape really. Though we haven't seen it properly on screen, the toy has flip out claws and that seems a little odd. But I won't say I dislike it, I do like the general look. I need to see some more episodes to make a proper judgement.
Which is in fact true of the whole series I guess. Yes, I'm excitedly in love with it now, but after next saturday? And the next? They might be terrible. Or worse. The next episodes may be so bad that it kills the series completely and that'll be that and because of those terrible episodes we'l all be glad of this!!
But that's very unlikely!
Ok, my reaction to the new Doctor Who series may have been influenced by the fact that we had a pretty small amount of Who last yea. But then were we all overreacting in 2005, as we'd had 9 Who free years then? Were we? Or is it just flipping brilliant?
I think it's the second one.
And I definitely thought that for The 11th Hour.
I got a little chill when the opening music came in! Thats how excited I was! And I spent the next hour alternating between giddy excitment, laughing and being creeped out. I am determined to avoid the trap I normally fall into of just narrating the entire episode back, so I shall concentrate on my personal highlights.
Fish custard. It's perfect Doctor Who, to feature something so marvellously mundane and in such a British way. Fish fingers. And custard.
The crack in the wall. Ah Steven Moffatt, where would we be without your marvellous ability to take those little things that creep most children out for no logical reason and then make them terrifying? Statues, shadows, gas masks and now the simplest of shallow cracks across a wall. Plastering defect or escape route for criminal multiforms from a space prison??
5 minutes later is 12 years. For all his genius, he can't steer that TARDIS. Though extreme damage may be a relevant excuse here.
Kissagram. Because in all the photo's I'd seen before the episode aired, I'd always suspected that skirt was too short for regulation police uniform.
The old lady completely unfazed by the Doctor bursting in while a giant eyeball takes over the TV
'and all I've got is a post office. And it's shut!'
'Get a girlfriend Jeff'
Most of the conference call on the computer is brilliant Doctor moments.
The creepy way Prisoner Zero uses the wrong mouth.
Of course, it's marvellous when you realise the virus has made zero's appear everywhere and you see what he's done.
And you can't not love the run through of the previous 10's and then 11 steps forward all dressed up. His sense of dramatic timing get's better each re-generation.
And finally, the TARDIS. I loved the previous design, but this one... stunning. Just awesome.
Now, in the spirit of fairness, I should mention the things that didn't work so well. Though it won't take long.
Yes, Matt Smith is young. 99% of the time this hasn't stopped him playing an awesome Doctor. There were one or two very brief moments when he did sound young though. But I don't think it made too much impact and should not be too much of an issue, once I get more used to him I'll probably no notice it again.
On the rooftop, as the Atraxi leave, the long shot shows the Doctor reach into his jacket pocket. Then in the close up he's not doing it, then he reacts and reaches in the pocket again. A minor slip in the editing, but it sticks out so much and really bugs me! And by the third time of viewing it took me out of the moment slightly. An overreaction on my part maybe, but it's rare to see that sort of an error these days.
The new sonic. Now I don't want to be the sort of person who complains about things changing. In fact I embrace change. Actually, change has a restraining order out against me. Sometimes I sneak into changes house at night, and cuddle up next to it in bed. But I'm not that immediately keen on the new sonic. It's the size and shape really. Though we haven't seen it properly on screen, the toy has flip out claws and that seems a little odd. But I won't say I dislike it, I do like the general look. I need to see some more episodes to make a proper judgement.
Which is in fact true of the whole series I guess. Yes, I'm excitedly in love with it now, but after next saturday? And the next? They might be terrible. Or worse. The next episodes may be so bad that it kills the series completely and that'll be that and because of those terrible episodes we'l all be glad of this!!
But that's very unlikely!
Thursday, 1 April 2010
New Doctor excitement
I am a very excited nerd this week! One of many I imagine, with the new series of Doctor Who starting in just 2 more days! Brilliant! After last years Who drought, the prospect of a full new series is certainly an exciting one and with a shiny new Doctor too.
There’s been quite a few news stories popping up lately regarding the series, as to be expected, most media outlets know they’ll attract some interest running a headline with The Doctor in it. As is my wont, I try to veer away from anything that might spoil a storyline, although often such things turn out to be pretty far removed from the truth.
But there’s been a lot of interest in Matt Smith, who seems to be very enthusiastic about his role. I was interested to see in some interviews he’d mentioned that as preparation for the role he’d written his own stories about The Doctor and Einstein being responsible for the pyramids? Sounds pretty awesome to me. I must confess that I didn’t see his Jonathan Ross interview, though by all accounts he came off very well and some people have said to me they feel a lot better about him being The Doctor now than before.
Personally I enjoyed him straight away from The End of Time Part 2. A small example of his work it may have been, but I was on side almost immediately. Of course I might have just been pleased to see a Doctor with some enthusiasm and energy after the Tenths rather whiny and mopey exit. And anyone would seem pretty exciting charging around an exploding TARDIS! But I’m pretty confident in him and the various teaser trailers have done nothing to dampen my disappointment.
Now, back to the issue of the various news stories. I was amused to find this one yesterday. Quite amusing I thought, conjures up a nice image of Matt Smith attempting to explain a sonic screwdriver at customs. It also serves as a warning to those like me who probably would take their toys around with them! That's why my lovely fiancee doesn't let me leave the house with my sonic, or wearing my Green Lantern Ring.
I read some of the comments reacting to the story. Oh dear. What is it about the internet that brings out these people? The angry man yelling that Matt Smith has ruined Doctor Who for his son is my personal favourite, at least make your fickle child watch a full episode first! I do wonder why comments would even be sought on what is basically a fluff piece, an amusing afterthought in the news. Just a mildly funny anecdote isn’t it? Even that kicks of a storm of crazy people.
Though I can’t find the exact same story now, the version I read yesterday said ‘yesterday it emerged that Smith has broken at least 4 of the props on set’.
It emerged? That just tickled me as it makes it sound like a terrible secret that had been covered up! Thanks to undercover reporting the new Doctor Who actor has been exposed as a bit clumsy!! I love it when the language seems more dramatic than it is.
Also it’s been mentioned by Stephen Moffatt for months that Matt Smith is the clumsiest man alive so it ‘emerging’ that he’s broken some props is not that recent a story anyway. At least not if you read the Doctor Who magazine. And if you don’t then you’re probably a nazi.
I’m also quite pleased I’ve got to midday without being fooled by anything! Not that anything’s been tried. I have remained un-fooled by absolutely no jokes! I’m sure April Fools used to be harder work. Of course Twitter will barely be starting thanks to the time difference in the USA, so I probably shouldn’t read anything on there all day.
And don’t tell my fiancée, but I’m wearing my Green Lantern ring today! Outside of the house and everything!
There’s been quite a few news stories popping up lately regarding the series, as to be expected, most media outlets know they’ll attract some interest running a headline with The Doctor in it. As is my wont, I try to veer away from anything that might spoil a storyline, although often such things turn out to be pretty far removed from the truth.
But there’s been a lot of interest in Matt Smith, who seems to be very enthusiastic about his role. I was interested to see in some interviews he’d mentioned that as preparation for the role he’d written his own stories about The Doctor and Einstein being responsible for the pyramids? Sounds pretty awesome to me. I must confess that I didn’t see his Jonathan Ross interview, though by all accounts he came off very well and some people have said to me they feel a lot better about him being The Doctor now than before.
Personally I enjoyed him straight away from The End of Time Part 2. A small example of his work it may have been, but I was on side almost immediately. Of course I might have just been pleased to see a Doctor with some enthusiasm and energy after the Tenths rather whiny and mopey exit. And anyone would seem pretty exciting charging around an exploding TARDIS! But I’m pretty confident in him and the various teaser trailers have done nothing to dampen my disappointment.
Now, back to the issue of the various news stories. I was amused to find this one yesterday. Quite amusing I thought, conjures up a nice image of Matt Smith attempting to explain a sonic screwdriver at customs. It also serves as a warning to those like me who probably would take their toys around with them! That's why my lovely fiancee doesn't let me leave the house with my sonic, or wearing my Green Lantern Ring.
I read some of the comments reacting to the story. Oh dear. What is it about the internet that brings out these people? The angry man yelling that Matt Smith has ruined Doctor Who for his son is my personal favourite, at least make your fickle child watch a full episode first! I do wonder why comments would even be sought on what is basically a fluff piece, an amusing afterthought in the news. Just a mildly funny anecdote isn’t it? Even that kicks of a storm of crazy people.
Though I can’t find the exact same story now, the version I read yesterday said ‘yesterday it emerged that Smith has broken at least 4 of the props on set’.
It emerged? That just tickled me as it makes it sound like a terrible secret that had been covered up! Thanks to undercover reporting the new Doctor Who actor has been exposed as a bit clumsy!! I love it when the language seems more dramatic than it is.
Also it’s been mentioned by Stephen Moffatt for months that Matt Smith is the clumsiest man alive so it ‘emerging’ that he’s broken some props is not that recent a story anyway. At least not if you read the Doctor Who magazine. And if you don’t then you’re probably a nazi.
I’m also quite pleased I’ve got to midday without being fooled by anything! Not that anything’s been tried. I have remained un-fooled by absolutely no jokes! I’m sure April Fools used to be harder work. Of course Twitter will barely be starting thanks to the time difference in the USA, so I probably shouldn’t read anything on there all day.
And don’t tell my fiancée, but I’m wearing my Green Lantern ring today! Outside of the house and everything!
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